Job-searching techniques

Job-searching techniques

Job Search Techniques

Research your chosen field:

  • Identify the key skills required for roles within the sports industry.
  • Find out which positions or jobs are currently in demand within the industry.
  • Discover who the major employers in the sector are.


  • Attend sport industry events to make connections.
  • Reach out to professionals in your field on social media platforms such as LinkedIn.
  • Join professional sports organisations or associations for networking opportunities.

Informational Interviews:

  • Arrange to chat with professionals already working within your chosen roles to gain inside knowledge.
  • Prepare thoughtful, relevant questions to increase your understanding of the role and industry.

Resumes and Cover Letters:

  • Ensure your CV highlights relevant skills, qualifications and experiences related to the role.
  • Tailor each cover letter to the specifics of the job you’re applying for described in the job listing.
  • Always proofread and spell-check all applications before sending them.

Interview Preparation:

  • Research the company before the interview.
  • Know why you are interested in the role and be able to communicate this clearly.
  • Prepare responses to common interview questions, and come up with a few questions to ask interviewers.


  • Send a brief thank-you note after an interview expressing your continued interest in the role.
  • If unsuccessful, seek feedback - it could be very helpful for future interviews.
  • Persistently apply and interview for jobs, even if you don’t get the first few you try for. Effort and persistence often prove successful.