Education Post-16

Education Post-16

Understanding the Spanish Education System Post-16

  • Understanding the Spanish education system: Post-16 education in Spain, known as Bachillerato, lasts two years (from age 16-18), consisting of three paths - Arts, Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • The Spanish grading system: In Spain, grades are typically on a scale of 0 to 10, with 5 being a passing grade. This is different to the UK grading system, so being aware of the differences can aid comprehension in an educational context.

Important Vocabulary

  • Key vocabulary related to post-16 education could include: “Bachillerato” (A levels), “universidad” (university), “formación profesional” (vocational training), “carrera” (degree), “máster” (master’s degree), “doctorado” (PhD), “titulación” (qualification), “nota de corte” (grade point average), “beca” (scholarship), “prueba de acceso” (entrance exam), “asignatura” (subject), “profesor” (teacher), “compañero de clase” (classmate), among many others.

Planning Your Future

  • Discuss options for further education and career paths. For example, “Después del Bachillerato, puedo ir a la universidad o hacer una formación profesional.”
  • Describing your future plans: Be able to articulate your plans within the context of post-16 education in Spanish. For example, “Después de terminar el Bachillerato, pienso estudiar Medicina en la universidad.”

Expressing and Justifying Opinions

  • Use expressions for giving and justifying opinions: For example, “En mi opinión, la universidad es vital porque abre muchas puertas” (In my opinion, university is vital because it opens many doors).
  • Practice being able to explain why one might choose various paths, using conjunctions and connectors like “porque” (because), “sin embargo” (however), “además” (in addition to), “aunque” (although) to build complex sentences.

Verb Conjugations

  • Conjugating verbs relating to education and work in both present and future tenses.

Finally, remember to incorporate as much of the topic-specific vocabulary and complex grammar structures into your answers to demonstrate your understanding.