Topic: Travel - What to Do

Topic: Travel - What to Do

Travel Vocabulary and Phrases

  • Familiarize yourselves with the vocabulary and phrases pertaining to various kinds of travel, including road trips, air travel, cruises and public transportation. The terminology related to ticket booking, scheduling, and navigating should also be revised thoroughly.
  • Train yourself in understanding and explaining common travel activities. These can range from sightseeing landmarks (like ‘visitando monumentos’), hiking (‘senderismo’), local food tasting (‘probando comida local’), photography (‘fotografía’), shopping at local markets (‘comprando en mercados locales’), etc.
  • Practice your command over discussing the weather and climate in various parts of the globe. Know the words that describe different weather conditions and seasons. Spanish words for hot (‘caliente’), cold (‘frío’), humid (‘húmedo’), rainy (‘lluvioso’), etc.
  • Consider learning phrases and sentences that would guide you through unforeseen situations during travel such as losing or misplacing personal items, falling sick, getting lost, and requiring assistance.


  • Familiarize with the vocabulary related to accommodations such as differentiating a hostel (‘albergue’), a hotel (‘hotel’), a bed and breakfast (‘cama y desayuno’) or a holiday villa (‘villa de vacaciones’). Be ready to describe the quality of the accommodation, location, and the services it offers.

Food and Dining

  • Do not forget to revise essential phrases and vocabulary related to food and dining in a Spanish-speaking location. This includes ordering meals in a restaurant, buying groceries from a local market or requesting dietary specifications due to personal preferences or allergies.

Health and Safety

  • Learn to communicate effectively about health and safety when traveling. Memorize appropriate Spanish words for healthcare facilities, emergencies, travel insurance, precautions, vaccinations and so on.

Culture and Traditions

  • Work on writing extensively about the culture and traditions of different locales. Understand the Spanish vocabulary related to cuisine, festivals, clothing, languages, and so on.

Environmental Concerns

  • Be prepared to discuss environmental concerns related to travel. This includes understanding and using the terminology for air pollution (‘contaminación del aire’), waste disposal (‘eliminación de residuos’), conservation efforts (‘esfuerzos de conservación’), impact on local communities (‘impacto en las comunidades locales’), and sustainable tourism (‘turismo sostenible’).