Topic: Food

Topic: Food


  • Learn key food terms, including names of various foods, types of cooking methods, and utensils. Some examples include la manzana (apple), hervir (to boil), and el cuchillo (knife).
  • Differentiate between meals like el desayuno (breakfast), el almuerzo (lunch), and la cena (dinner).
  • Understand different dietary terms such as vegetariano (vegetarian), vegano (vegan) and sin gluten (gluten-free).

Describing Food & Drink

  • Become familiar with adjectives commonly used to describe food and drinks like dulce(sweet), sabroso (tasty), amargo (bitter), etc.
  • Practice using these adjectives in sentences, being mindful of the correct grammatical agreement in gender and number.

Hispanic Food Culture

  • Gain an understanding of traditional meals in different Spanish-speaking countries, such as paella in Spain, enchiladas in Mexico, and empanadas in Argentina.
  • Learn about typical food habits and mealtimes in these cultures. For example, the Spanish tradition of a late night meal called supper.

Ordering at a Restaurant

  • Understand and use key phrases for ordering food in a restaurant. Phrases could include “¿Qué me recomienda?” (What do you recommend?) or “Me gustaría un/a…” (I would like a…)
  • Learn polite phrases such as “por favor” (please) and “gracias” (thank you).

Expressing Opinions

  • Be able to express likes, dislikes, and preferences related to food, e.g., “Me encantan las manzanas” (I love apples) or “Prefiero la carne sin salsa” (I prefer meat without sauce).
  • Recall key opinion phrases such as “en mi opinión” (in my opinion), “pienso que” (I think that), “creo que” (I believe that).

Remember to incorporate all these elements in your spoken and written practice to be able to articulate concepts seamlessly. Practice regularly, listening to native speakers, and utilize a variety of practice exercises for the best understanding.