Topic: Accommodation

Topic: Accommodation

Accommodation Knowledge in Spanish

Understanding Types and Describing Accommodation

  • Learn different types of accommodation in Spanish. For example: una casa (a house), un apartamento (an apartment), un hotel (a hotel), un camping (a campsite).
  • Learn how to describe a residence. This may include counting the number of rooms (habitaciones), describing the furniture (muebles), and talking about location (ubicación).

Booking a Place and Dealing with Problems

  • Get familiar with phrases related to booking accommodation, such as ‘hacer una reserva’ (make a reservation) and ‘comprobar la disponibilidad’ (check availability).
  • Understand vocabulary for problems with accommodation, like ‘No hay agua caliente’ (There’s no hot water), or ‘La cama está rota’ (The bed is broken).

Location, Surroundings and Comparisons

  • Practice vocabulary for describing a location and its surroundings, i.e. ‘en el centro de la ciudad’ (in the city centre), or ‘cerca de la playa’ (near the beach).
  • Build vocabulary to make comparisons between countries and their accommodation, such as ‘la vivienda tradicional española’(traditional Spanish housing).

Impact of Tourism and Environment

  • Learn how to discuss the impact of tourism on accommodation, with phrases like ‘turismo masivo’ (mass tourism) or ‘alquiler de vacaciones’ (holiday rental).
  • Discuss environmental impacts of accommodations using terms such as ‘casas ecológicas’ (eco-houses) or ‘reducción de la huella de carbono’ (reduction of carbon footprint).

Asking Questions and Using Tenses

  • Remember to master essential questions related to accommodation, like ‘¿Cuánto cuesta por noche?’ (how much does it cost per night?) or ‘¿Cómo son las habitaciones?’ (what are the rooms like?).
  • Practice using various tenses to talk about past, present and future housing experiences. For example, ‘Viví en una villa el año pasado’ (I lived in a villa last year), ‘Vivo en un apartamento ahora’ (I live in an apartment now), ‘Voy a vivir en una casa grande en el futuro’ (I will live in a big house in the future).

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