
Understanding Weather Vocabulary

  • Learn the Spanish words for different types of weather conditions, such as “sol” (sun), “viento” (wind), “lluvia” (rain), “nieve” (snow), etc.

Explaining Weather Conditions

  • Practice phrases to describe what the weather is like in your city or town, for instance, “Hace sol” (It’s sunny), “Está lloviendo” (It’s raining), “Hace frío” (It’s cold), etc.
  • Learn to talk about the weather in different seasons. For example, one could say “En verano hace calor y en invierno hace frío en mi ciudad” (In summer it’s warm and in winter it’s cold in my city).

Comparative Weather Statements

  • Practice constructing sentences comparing the weather in different places. An example could be “Hace más calor en Madrid que en Barcelona” (It’s hotter in Madrid than in Barcelona).

Understanding Weather Forecasts

  • Familiarise yourself with how to understand and describe a weather forecast in Spanish. For example, “Mañana va a llover” means “It’s going to rain tomorrow”.

Deepening Discourse

  • Try using phrases like “Cuando hace calor, me gusta ir a la playa” (When it’s hot, I like to go to the beach) to add depth to your statements about the weather.
  • Discuss factors that might influence the weather in your area, such as proximity to the coast or mountains. For instance, “Vivo cerca del mar, por lo cual suele hacer viento” (I live near the sea, so it’s usually windy).
  • Discuss how the weather affects what activities can be done. For instance, “Si hace sol, podemos ir de picnic” (If it’s sunny, we can go for a picnic).

Using Past Tenses

  • Practice talking about the weather in the past tense such as “Ayer llovió todo el día” (Yesterday it rained all day).

In conclusion, remember that the goal is not only to memorise the vocabulary but also to be able to use it in context while speaking or writing in Spanish.