Getting Ready to Go There

Getting Ready to Go There

Essential Vocabulary

  • Learn key Spanish vocabulary related to travel, such as words for airport, ticket, suitcase, passport, etc. For example: Aeropuerto, Billete, Maleta, Pasaporte.
  • Understand how to use numbers in Spanish. This will be important for discussing travel times, buying tickets, and understanding opening hours. For example, “El museo abre a las nueve y cierra a las cinco.” (The museum opens at nine and closes at five.)
  • Learn how to express and understand dates in Spanish. This will help with booking tickets and making and understanding reservations. Remember that in Spanish-speaking regions, it’s common to express the day before the month.
  • Familiarize yourself with modes of transportation and related phrases, such as tren (train), autobús (bus), metro (subway/metro), bici (bike), a pie (by foot) and coche (car).

Practical Conversations

  • Practice useful travel- and tourism-related phrases, questions and answers. This might include asking for directions, confirming a hotel reservation, ordering food or asking about local attractions. For example:
    • “¿Dónde está el aeropuerto?” (Where is the airport?)
    • “Tengo una reserva en este hotel.” (I have a reservation at this hotel.)
    • “¿Se puede llegar a pie a la playa?” (Can one walk to the beach?)
  • Practice giving and understanding directions in Spanish. Some key words may include: a la derecha (to the right), a la izquierda (to the left), todo recto (straight ahead), cerca de (near), and lejos de (far from).

Culture and Etiquette

  • Review cultural customs and etiquette information about the Spanish-speaking location you could potentially visit. This might involve when to eat meals, tipping, and any special social customs. For example, in Spain, it’s customary to greet friends with a kiss on each cheek.