My Family

My Family

Key Vocabulary

  • Identify key vocabulary: Learn the basic terms used to describe family members in Spanish. This should include ‘mi madre’ (my mother), ‘mi padre’ (my father), ‘mi hermano/a’ (my brother/sister), ‘mis abuelos’ (my grandparents), and so on.
  • Extended family: Learn the Spanish words for extended family such as ‘mi tío’ (my uncle), ‘mi tía’ (my aunt), ‘mi primo/a’ (my cousin), etc.

Describing Your Family

  • Descriptions: Be able to describe each family member using appropriate adjectives like ‘simpático/a’ (nice), ‘divertido/a’ (fun), ‘serio/a’ (serious), ‘generoso/a’ (generous), ‘egoísta’ (selfish), etc.
  • Opinions: You should be able to express your feelings and opinions about your family members. This could include simple phrases such as ‘Me gusta pasar tiempo con mi familia porque son divertidos’ (I like spending time with my family because they are fun).

Relationships and Interactions

  • Relationships: You should be able to explain what your relationship is like with each family member using phrases such as ‘me llevo bien con’ (I get on well with), ‘me peleo con’ (I fight with), ‘me divierto con’ (I have fun with), etc.
  • Regular routines: Be prepared to talk about regular interactions or activities with your family. “Normalmente, cenamos juntos cada noche”, which means “usually, we have dinner together every night”.
  • Possessions: Discuss what each family member has using ‘tiene’ (he/she has). For example: “Mi hermano tiene un coche azul” (my brother has a blue car).

Verb Usage and Tenses

  • Use of verbs: Practice the correct use of verbs like ‘vivir’ (to live), ‘tener’ (to have), ‘ser’ (to be) and ‘estar’ (to be). For example, using “Tengo dos hermanos” as opposed to “Soy dos hermanos”.
  • Past events: Be able to discuss past events with family using the preterite tense. For example: “El año pasado, fuimos a España con mis abuelos” (Last year, we went to Spain with my grandparents).
  • Future plans: Be able to discuss future plans using the future tense. For example: “Este fin de semana, vamos a visitar a mis tíos” (This weekend, we’re going to visit my uncle and aunt).