
Key Vocabulary for Partnership

  • Learn the basic vocabulary around partnership: “pareja” (partner), “novio/a” (boyfriend/girlfriend), “esposo/a” (husband/wife), “prometido/a” (fiancé).
  • Master the vocabulary required to describe relationships: “cariñoso” (affectionate), “comprensivo” (understanding), “celoso” (jealous), “fiel” (loyal), “amoroso” (loving), “peleas” (fights), “desacuerdo” (disagreement).

Using Reflexive Verbs and Typical Phrases in Context

  • Understand the reflexive verbs related to romantic relationships such as “enamorarse de” (to fall in love with) and “divorciarse de” (to get divorced). Remember that reflexive verbs require reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se), and need to be conjugated in line with the subject.
  • Get comfortable with typical phrases. For example, “Nos llevamos bien” (we get along well), “Tenemos mucho en común” (we have a lot in common), “Nos peleamos a menudo” (we fight often).

Verbs Tenses and Paragraph Structure

  • Practice using verbs in different tenses to talk about past relationships, present relationships, and future intentions. For instance, the present perfect tense can be used for recent past events (“Hemos discutido mucho últimamente”, meaning “we’ve been arguing a lot lately”).
  • Learn to write well-structured paragraphs, incorporating a range of vocabulary, grammar and tenses. For instance, using complex structures such as “Si tuviera un/a novio/a, me gustaría que fuera amable y comprensivo/a” (If I had a boyfriend/girlfriend, I would like him/her to be kind and understanding).

Opinions, Justifications, and Cultural Aspects

  • Remember to include opinions and justifications to showcase a higher level of language. For example, “Prefiero estar soltero porque me gusta mi independencia” (I prefer to be single because I like my independence).
  • Familiarize yourself with the cultural aspects of Spanish-speaking countries’ views on partnership and marriage, as this can add depth to your answers and discussions.