Topic: Environmental Problems

Topic: Environmental Problems

Vocabulary on Environmental Problems

  • Understand and learn vocabularies related to environmental problems: calentamiento global (global warming), reciclaje (recycling), basura / residuos (trash / waste), deforestación (deforestation), contaminación (pollution) etc.

Using Sentences on Environmental Issues

  • Practice sentences on environmental problems: “La contaminación del aire en las ciudades es un problema serio que puede afectar nuestra salud” (Air pollution in cities is a serious problem that can affect our health).

  • Be able to express personal views about environmental issues: “En mi opinión, todos deberíamos hacer un esfuerzo para conservar el agua” (In my opinion, we should all make an effort to conserve water).

  • Practice discussing possible solutions to environmental problems: “Podemos reducir la contaminación del aire usando medios de transporte más limpios” (We can reduce air pollution by using cleaner means of transportation).

Understanding the Importance of Recycling and Conservation

  • Understand the importance of recycling and conservation: “Es importante reciclar para reducir la cantidad de basura que producimos” (It is important to recycle to reduce the amount of waste we produce).

Environmental Laws and Regulations in Spain

  • Learn about laws and regulations in Spain regarding the environment: “En España, hay leyes para proteger el medio ambiente, como la Ley de Conservación de la Naturaleza de 1989” (In Spain, there are laws to protect the environment, such as the 1989 Nature Conservation Law).

Local, National, and Global Impact of Environmental Problems

  • Understand how environmental problems can impact people’s lives locally, nationally and globally. For example, how deforestation can lead to local flooding, impact national tourism, or contribute to global warming.

Initiatives to Solve Environmental Problems

  • Learn about projects and initiatives that aim to solve environmental problems, for example wind and solar energy in Spain: “España es uno de los líderes mundiales en energía eólica y solar” (Spain is one of the world leaders in wind and solar energy).