School Subjects

Talking About School Subjects in Spanish

  • Understand how to talk about different school subjects in Spanish. For example, science is ‘ciencias’, maths is ‘matemáticas’, English is ‘ingles’, and physical education is ‘educación física’.
  • Remember that some subject names may be variable in their gender ie. ‘el arte’ is masculine whilst ‘la biología’ is feminine. This will affect the form of adjectives you use when describing them.

Expressing Preferences and Opinions on Subjects

  • Learn the vocabulary for expressing preferences and opinions about these subjects. For instance, “Me gusta la historia porque es interesante” means “I like history because it is interesting”.
  • Be able to compare school subjects, for example, “Prefiero la geografía a la historia”, meaning “I prefer geography to history”.

Discussing Performance, Skills, and Challenges

  • Memorize the phrases to describe your academic performance in these subjects. For instance, “Saco buenas notas en física” means “I get good grades in physics”.
  • Learn how to talk about the skills you gain from studying different subjects. For example, “El español mejora mis habilidades de comunicación”, which means “Spanish improves my communication skills”.
  • Be prepared to describe what subjects you find challenging and why: “La química es difícil para mí porque tiene muchos conceptos complejos”, which means “Chemistry is difficult for me because it has many complex concepts”.

Future Plans and Utility of Subjects

  • Know how to discuss future plans related to school subjects. You could say “Quiero estudiar biología en la universidad” which means “I want to study biology at university”.
  • Know how to communicate the usefulness of certain subjects. You might say, “La informática es útil para mi carrera futura”, which means “ICT is useful for my future career”.

Discussion of Assignments and Homework

  • Practice discussing homework and assignments in Spanish, such as saying “Tengo que hacer un proyecto para la clase de arte”, which means “I have to do a project for art class”.

Verbs Relating to Study and Learning

  • Make use of the verbs ‘estudiar’ (to study), ‘aprender’ (to learn), ‘enseñar’ (to teach) and ‘pasar’ (to pass) in the right context relating to school subjects.

Practice and Revision

  • The key is to practise combining these various elements together to create well-structured sentences which reflect your academic experiences and aspirations.
  • Revisit and revise through reading texts, listening to dialogues and completing practise exercises, focusing on the theme of ‘school subjects’.