Topic: TV

Topic: TV

Important Vocabulary

  • el programa de televisión = TV show
  • las noticias = news
  • el documental = documentary
  • el canal = channel
  • el presentador = presenter
  • el televidente = viewer

Discussing Habits

  • Familiarise yourself with phrases used to discuss television-watching habits such as ‘veo la tele todos los días’ (I watch TV every day) or ‘prefiero ver las series en la televisión’ (I prefer to watch series on TV).

Expressing Likes and Dislikes

  • It would be helpful to learn phrases to express your likes and dislikes related to television. For example, ‘Me encanta este programa porque es muy emocionante’ (I love this show because it’s very exciting).

Discussing TV Genres

  • Get to grips with vocabulary to discuss different types of shows like dramas (los dramas), comedies (las comedias), reality shows (los realities) or soap operas (las telenovelas).

Talking about Channels

  • Be able to discuss different channels and what they offer. For example, ‘Me gusta mirar el canal de deportes porque soy fanático del fútbol’ (I like to watch the sports channel because I’m a football fan).

Opinion Phrases

  • Learn phrases that can help you express your opinions on TV shows or programmes, such as ‘A mi parecer, este show es aburrido’ (In my opinion, this show is boring).

Cultural Aspects

  • Try to know a bit about popular Spanish or Latin American TV shows and how they have influenced the culture. This could include television icons, famous shows, soap operas, or reality TV.

Impact of Television

  • Consider discussing the impact of television on society, youth, and culture in your conversations or writings. For example, ‘La televisión tiene un gran impacto en nuestra sociedad’ (Television has a big impact on our society).

Remember, repetition and regular practice will go a long way in making you able to effortlessly revise all these points.