Topic: School Routine

Topic: School Routine


  • Understanding the vocabulary of School Routine: Familiarize yourself with key words and phrases related to school routines. These include words that depict school life, such as ‘classes’ (las clases), ‘subjects’ (las asignaturas), ‘homework’ (los deberes), ‘exams’ (los exámenes), ‘school hours’ (el horario escolar), etc.

Time and Verbs

  • Telling the Time: You must be able to say time in Spanish as school routine is centred around timetable. For example, understanding phrases like ‘a las ocho de la mañana’ (at eight in the morning), ‘por la tarde’ (in the afternoon), etc.
  • Using Regular and Irregular Verbs: Common verbs related to school routine like ‘ir’ (to go), ‘hacer’ (to do), ‘comenzar’ (to start), ‘terminar’ (to end), ‘estudiar’ (to study), ‘comer’ (to eat).

Describing Your Day

  • Describe a Day at School: Construct sentences to describe a typical day at school, starting from the time you wake up till you go back to bed. This can include phrases like ‘Me levanto a las siete’ (I get up at seven), ‘Voy a la escuela a las ocho’ (I go to school at eight).
  • Using Tenses: Practice using different tenses, most importantly the present tense and the future tense. You might need to describe your current school routine as well as what you plan to be doing in the future.

Opinions and Comparisons

  • Give Opinions: Be prepared to give your opinions on your school routine, your favourite and least favourite parts, how you feel about the school day length etc. Useful phrases could be ‘Mi asignatura preferida es…’ (My favourite subject is…) or ‘Odio los exámenes porque…’ (I hate exams because…).
  • Comparing Educational Systems: It could be beneficial to compare the Spanish educational system with the one in your country, thereby demonstrating a broader knowledge.

Practice Strategies

Make sure to frequently practise speaking and writing skills. Using online language platforms for mock conversations can also be helpful. Writing out your typical day with timings, subjects and activities can be a good exercise. Listening to audio resources of daily routines can also be beneficial to sharpen listening skills.