School Routine

School Routine

Key Concepts in “La Rutina Escolar”

Overview of School Routine

  • The school routine or “la rutina escolar” in Spanish, covers the typical activities and schedule followed in the educational setting.

Essential Vocabulary

  • Key vocabulary is critical: “escuela” (school), “clases” (classes), “profesor” (teacher), “recreo” (break), “almuerzo” (lunch), “estudiar” (to study), “hacer los deberes” (to do homework), “leer” (to read), etc.

Daily Timing

  • Hours of the day: “The school day starts at… - El día escolar comienza a las…”, “Break is at… - El recreo es a las…”, “The day ends at… - El día termina a las…”.

Verbs for Daily Routine

  • Popular verbs to express daily routine include: “llegar” (to arrive), “empezar” (to start), “terminar” (to end), “tomar” (to take), “aprender” (to learn), etc.

Descriptives for Routine

  • Adjectival phrases can be helpful in describing the routine, e.g., “aburrido” (boring), “divertido” (fun), “útil” (useful), “dificil” (difficult), and “interesante” (interesting).

Constructing Sentences in “La Rutina Escolar”

Expressions Using Reflexive Verbs

  • Describing routine using ‘reflexive verbs’ such as “me levanto” (I get up), “me voy a la escuela” (I go to school), “me encuentro con amigos” (I meet friends).

Likes and Dislikes

  • Discussing likes and dislikes about different aspects of the routine helps display proficiency. For instance: “Me gusta el arte porque es divertido” (I like art because it’s fun), “No me gusta la matemática porque es difícil” (I don’t like maths because it’s difficult).

Past and Future Tenses

  • If talking about a past routine, remember to use the imperfect tense. For instance, “Yo estudiaba mucho” (I used to study a lot).
  • In contrast, for discussing future plans or ambitions, use the future tense. For example, “Estudiaré ciencias en la universidad” (I will study sciences at university).

Correct Conjugations

  • Conjugate correctly when using different persons: “yo estudio”, “tú estudias”, “él estudia”, “nosotros estudiamos”, “ellos estudian”.

Applying “La Rutina Escolar”

Practice Conversations and Exercises

  • Try to engage in mock conversations or written exercises to practise these themes. For example, a dialogue between friends discussing their daily routine or an essay on what you like or dislike about your school routine and why.