Basic Numbers
- Begin by memorising basic numbers from 1-10: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
- After memorising 1-10, move onto double digits: once (11), doce (12), trece (13), catorce (14), quince (15).
- 16-20 have a distinct pattern: dieciséis (16), diecisiete (17), dieciocho (18), diecinueve (19), veinte (20).
Tens and Hundreds
- The rest of the tens follow a clear pattern: treinta (30), cuarenta (40), cincuenta (50), sesenta (60), setenta (70), ochenta (80), noventa (90).
- The hundreds are relatively simple too: cien (100), doscientos (200), trescientos (300), cuatrocientos (400), quinientos (500), seiscientos (600), setecientos (700), ochocientos (800), novecientos (900).
Expressing Numbers
- The numbers in between the tens can be expressed by using ‘y’. For instance, 33 would be ‘treinta y tres’.
- ‘Mil’ means 1,000, and other thousands are said as multiples of ‘mil’ (dos mil, tres mil, etc.)
General Number-Related Terms
- Learn the words for general number-related terms: número (number), cero (zero), par (even), impar (odd), mitad (half), cuarto (quarter), tercio (third), and doble (double).
- Percentages are expressed as ‘por ciento’. So, 50% would be ‘cincuenta por ciento’.
Expressions of Time
- For expressions of time, note the use of ‘y’ and ‘menos’. For example, ‘son las tres y diez’ for 3:10, and ‘son las cuatro menos cuarto’ for 3:45.
Study Tips
- Practice, practise, practise! Make use of online resources and flashcards to improve your ability to recognise and use numbers in Spanish.