Grammar: Quantifiers/Intensifiers

Grammar: Quantifiers/Intensifiers

Spanish Quantifiers/Intensifiers Revision

Understanding Quantifiers/Intensifiers

  • Quantifiers/Intensifiers modify nouns and tell you more about their quantity or degree in Spanish.
  • Intensifiers are words that give more force or a greater degree to adjectives or adverbs.
  • Note that unlike English, Spanish often uses “de” after quantities. For example, “mucho de”, “poco de”.

Common Quantifiers/Intensifiers

  • Some common quantifiers include: mucho (much/many), poco (little/few), todo (all), alguno (some), ninguno (none), tanto (so much), cuánto (how much), varios (several), etc.
  • Common intensifiers include: muy (very), bastante (quite), demasiado (too), tan (so), tanto (so much), más (more), menos (less), etc.

Usage of Quantifiers/Intensifiers

  • Negation in Spanish typically uses the word “no” before the verb. For example, ‘No tengo ningun libro.’ (I do not have any book.)
  • When ‘alguno’ and ‘ninguno’ are followed by a singular masculine noun, they shorten to ‘algún’ and ‘ningún’ respectively. For example, “No tengo ningún hermano” (I do not have any brother).
  • The relative quantity pronouns ‘algo’, ‘nada’, ‘todo’, ‘mucho’, ‘poco’, ‘bastante’, and quantity adverbs ‘más’, ‘menos’, ‘tanto’ can also be used in their comparative and superlative forms.
  • Spanish also has some special sentences using “cuanto más… más” and “cuanto menos… menos” to express a simultaneous increase or decrease in two situations.

Examples of Quantifiers/Intensifiers Usage

  • Tengo mucho trabajo. (I have a lot of work.)
  • No hay ninguna razón. (There is no reason.)
  • Es demasiado caro. (It’s too expensive.)
  • Hay pocos dulces en el tarro. (There are few candies in the jar.)
  • Tiene tantas ideas como su hermano. (He has as many ideas as his brother.)
  • Cuanto más estudia, más aprende. (The more she studies, the more she learns.)
  • Cuanto menos veo la televisión, menos la extraño. (The less I watch TV, the less I miss it.)