Topic: Weather

Topic: Weather

Vocabulary and Verb Usage

  • Identify and learn vocabulary related to weather including sunny (soleado), rainy (lluvioso), cloudy (nublado), windy (ventoso), and snowy (nevado).
  • Practice the use of the verb ‘hacer’ in its various forms when describing the weather.
  • Develop listening skills by tuning into Spanish weather forecasts, this helps to familiarise yourself with the speed of natural spoken language and common phrases.
  • Gather a range of ways to express personal opinions on weather-related topics. For instance, “en mi opinión, prefiero el clima cálido al frío” - In my opinion, I prefer warm weather to cold.
  • Learn about traditional weather-based proverbs or sayings, like ‘hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo’, equivalent to ‘Ne’er cast a clout till May be out’ in English.

Describing Weather in Different Tenses

  • Be able to describe weather conditions in the present (e.g. “Hoy está soleado” - Today it is sunny), in the past (e.g. “Ayer estuvo nublado” - Yesterday it was cloudy), and the future (e.g., “Mañana va a llover” - Tomorrow it is going to rain).

Spanish Weather and Climate

  • Understand how to discuss weather patterns and climate in your local area and throughout Spain. For example, the weather in Northern Spain can differ greatly from the weather in Southern Spain.
  • Be able to compare and contrast the weather in different Spanish-speaking countries, including varied climates like the dry desert heat of parts of Mexico and the snowy weather of Argentine Patagonia.

Impact of Weather

  • Understand how to discuss the impact of weather on daily routines, plans and activities (E.g. “Debido al mal tiempo, cancélaron el partido de fútbol” - Due to bad weather, they cancelled the football match).
  • Learn to discuss the impact of weather and climate change at both a national and international level. For example, how heatwaves, hurricanes or heavy snowfall affect different countries.

Climate Change and Global Warming

  • Familiarise yourself with discussions about global warming and the effects of climate change, essential for the global area of interest. Key phrases could include, ‘calentamiento global’, ‘efecto invernadero’, and ‘energías renovables’.