Chosen Film Posters- Genre codes

Chosen Film Posters- Genre codes

Overview of Genre Codes

  • Genre codes refer to the repertoire of elements associated with different film genres that help the viewer understand what to expect from the film.
  • It is the shorthand signifying system used by film industries to suggest the genre of the movie to its audience.
  • These are identified through elements such as title, tagline, credits, imagery, colour scheme, and typography used in the poster.

Reading Genre Codes

  • Analysing the genre codes in a film poster requires us to interpret the various elements in poster like colour, typography, images, composition, and iconography.
  • For instance, a horror film might use dark colors, an eerie photograph, and a scared facial expression of the actor to suggest fear and suspense.
  • Similarly, an action movie might choose a bold, rugged font with high contrast and action-filled image to signify thrill and high energy levels.

Movie Posters and Genre Codes

  • The successful communication of genre codes is a significant aspect of film poster’s success in attracting the right audience.
  • Theoretically, the more accurately the genre codes portray the film’s actual content, the more likely the target audience will be interested in seeing the film.
  • This reinforces the importance of visual clues and prompts that film posters provide to engage and connect with their audiences on the emotional level.

Case Study: The Dark Knight Rises

  • The film poster of The Dark Knight Rises uses the codes very effectively to depict the genre and attract its target audience.
  • The poster uses the symbol of the broken Batman mask against the background of a burning city, tapping into violence, darkness, and chaos, signalling the film’s action and thriller genre.
  • The text ‘The Legend Ends’ in bold adds a sense of climax and anticipation. The bold white text against the dark background stands out, indicating the high-contract and violence nature of the action genre.


  • Genre codes in film posters are crucial tools in communicating the nature of the film’s content to its potential audience.
  • A thorough understanding of genre codes and their proper implementation can result in effective marketing and improved box office success.
  • As such, the insight into genre codes is crucial in understanding the role of film marketing in the media landscape.