Codes and conventions of the online form

Codes and conventions of the online form

Codes and Conventions of Online Form

Technical Codes

  • Multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, animation, infographics and hyperlinks are integral to the online news form.
  • Interactivity is a remarkable feature that allows user participation. It includes leaving comments, sharing posts, liking and reacting to stories.
  • Navigation tools such as menu bars, search functions, and category divisions are important for user-friendly design.
  • Use of SEO techniques and algorithms determine how content is prioritised, ranked and returned in search results.

Visual Codes

  • Typography and layout are critical in presenting information in a clean, readable manner. Differences in font size and style often indicate the importance of the news.
  • Images and videos perform a crucial role in visual storytelling and attracting reader attention.
  • Colour schemes are often used strategically to create site consistency and reflect the brand identity.
  • Banner ads and pop-ups are significant in the monetising strategies of online news platforms. Their placement and frequency can impact the user experience.

Symbolic Codes

  • Emphasis on breaking news or trending stories speaks to the fast-paced nature of online news that seeks to provide real-time updates.
  • By-lines, publication timestamps, and source citing add to the credibility and authenticity of the digital news content.
  • The presence of opinion sections, blog posts, and citizen journalism reflect the platform’s openness to diverse viewpoints and user-generated content.
  • Highlighting popular or most-read stories utilises social proof to guide readership trends and engagement.

Written Codes

  • Headline style often adopts SEO-friendly practices, including keyword usage and clickbait tactics to attract reader clicks.
  • Online news articles often commence with a lead that summarises the key points of the story, useful in hooking the reader’s interest.
  • Use of short paragraphs and subheadings accommodates online reading behaviours and improves scanability.
  • Incorporation of links to external sites or previous articles facilitates deeper engagement and provides additional context. This intertextuality is unique to digital news.