Video Games: Action Led- Stereotyping

Video Games: Action Led- Stereotyping

Definition of Action Led-Stereotyping in Video Games

  • Action led-stereotyping in video games refers to the use of established conventions and character archetypes to drive gameplay, often drawing upon and reinforcing certain stereotypes.

Common Stereotypes in Video Games

  • Gender stereotypes tend to be prevalent, with males often represented as powerful, aggressive, and independent, while female characters are often depicted as weaker, submissive, or objects of desire.

  • Ethnic and racial stereotypes are common: People of colour are often underrepresented or portrayed with negative, harmful stereotypes.

  • Video games often idealize certain body types, promoting unrealistic physical standards.

Consequences of Stereotypes in Video Games

  • These stereotypes can reinforce damaging societal beliefs and norms, which could lead to issues like sexism, racism, and body shaming.

  • Stereotypes can limit the diversity of characters and stories in games, reducing the overall richness and potential inclusivity of the gaming world.

Impact on Audience Perception

  • The repeated use of stereotypes can shape audience perceptions, particularly if the audience lacks direct experiences counteracting these stereotypes.

  • Young audiences might learn and internalize these stereotypes, shaping their understanding and expectations of gender roles, race, and body standards.

Efforts to Combat Stereotypes in Video Games

  • The ongoing critique of stereotyping in games has sparked efforts to diversify character representation and challenge prevailing norms.

  • There are games and developers committed to going against the stereotypes and presenting a more inclusive and diverse scenario to their audience.

  • The push for increased representation extends beyond character design to also include diverse storytelling and a wider variety of game settings and cultures.

Video Game Rating Systems

  • Video game rating systems such as PEGI (Pan-European Game Information) help guide consumers about game content, including stereotypical portrayal.

Remember, understanding the issue of stereotyping in video games contributes to a broader comprehension of how media can shape and reflect societal norms and prejudices. It is crucial to examine these elements critically and consider steps towards a more inclusive and realistic portrayal in the medium.