Action Led- Stereotyping

Action Led- Stereotyping


  • Action Led-Stereotyping refers to how video games utilise stereotypical views and norms of social, cultural, or other groups specifically through gameplay mechanics and player actions.
  • These stereotypes can be linked to gender, race, culture, socio-economic groups, or any other identifiable group.

Function & Impact

  • Action led-stereotyping can shape an engaging game narrative and character development, which makes games easier to understand and relate to. However, the use of such stereotypes can lead to misinterpretation and misrepresentation of such groups.
  • Characterisation and gameplay often heavily rely on culturally ingrained stereotypes, which result in a simplistic view of complex real-world dynamics. They often highlight differences and disparities, reinforcing pre-existing prejudices.
  • The underlying ideologies of video games can shape the player’s view, meaning stereotypical depictions can have significant societal impact, influencing players’ perception of different social and cultural groups outside the gaming world.


  • A prime example is the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series, widely criticised for reinforcing stereotypes about gender, race, and crime.
  • In many First-Person Shooter games, Middle-Eastern characters are often portrayed as terrorists, reinforcing negative stereotypes.


  • Use of these stereotypes can lead to societal harm as they reinforce prejudiced views, particularly if players lack real-world experiences or knowledge to contradict the in-game representations.
  • The propensity to represent male characters as aggressive and female characters as over-sexualised damsels in distress often leads to sexism and gender bias in the gaming community.
  • The use of racial stereotypes can also promote xenophobia and racial bias.


  • Although there are no formal regulations, the video game industry has been facing increasing backlash over the use of damaging stereotypes, leading to a call for more responsible and inclusive representation.
  • Reviewers, critics, and online communities greatly influence these representation standards.
  • There has been a significant push towards the diversification of characters and inclusivity, with many game developers now consciously avoiding the use of harmful stereotypes.
  • More game developers are utilising their platforms to challenge stereotypes, promoting education and cultural understanding rather than resorting to generic and harmful representations.