Action Led- Representations of social and cultural groups

Action Led- Representations of social and cultural groups


  • Action Led-Representations refer to the depiction of social and cultural groups primarily driven by gameplay elements and actions within video games.
  • In many games, players’ actions and choices influence perceptions and understanding of social and cultural identities.

Impact on Player Perception

  • The way cultural and social groups are represented in games has a direct effect on players’ impressions and understandings of these groups.
  • Contrived or stereotypical portrayals can contribute to a distorted, often simplified view of diverse social and cultural communities.


  • Games like Grand Theft Auto V incorporate diverse group representations, with characters belonging to different socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnic groups.
  • Assassin’s Creed series represents different historical and cultural contexts, exposing players to diverse civilizations and societies.


  • Use of action-led depictions helps in engaging narratives and enhanced player immersion. Characters’ identities and backgrounds can provide impetus for action and decision-making in the game.
  • It can also lead to more varied gameplay mechanics, reflecting different cultural practices or skills.


  • The portrayal of cultural and social groups is often a contentious issue due to possible stereotyping and cultural appropriation. For instance, many games default to Western, especially white male viewpoints, leading to under-representation of other groups.
  • There’s also a risk of oversimplification or misrepresentation, where complex social and cultural identities are reduced to straightforward, binary roles for gameplay purposes.


  • While there’s no formal regulatory body overseeing these representations, an increasing demand for responsibility and inclusivity from consumers and critics alike pushes developers towards more accurate, diverse portrayals.
  • Player feedback and social discourse around a game can significantly influence developers’ attitudes towards representation in sequels or future projects.

Trend Movements

  • A significant trend is the emergence of games developed by culturally diverse teams, leading to more authentic representations.
  • There’s also a growing recognition of games as a medium for social commentary, leading to more complex and nuanced representations of social and cultural groups.