Targeting audiences

Targeting audiences


  • Targeting Audiences refers to the practices employed by video game developers and marketers to reach specific, demographic groups known as ‘target audiences’.
  • Key factors while targeting audiences can include age, gender, interests, geographical location, lifestyle, and gaming preferences.

Role in Video Game Development

  • Understanding the target audience is crucial in deciding the game’s content, style, complexity, and genre.
  • Culture and gender considerations, for instance, can shape a game’s characters, narrative, and gameplay.
  • Developers use feedback and data from playtests and beta testing to further refine their game to cater to their target audience.

Marketing Strategies

  • Video game marketing teams tailor their strategies to attract their desired demographic. This can include direct advertising, social media campaigns, influencer endorsements, or event sponsorships.
  • Exclusive features, pre-order merchandise, or early access are frequently used as tactics to attract and retain the target audience’s attention.


  • The FIFA series targets a global audience of football (soccer) fans using authentic teams, leagues, and players. It also uses strategy and simulation elements to appeal to players who are strategists.
  • Candy Crush Saga targets a wide demographic, including casual gamers and those who prefer quick, puzzle-based games.
  • Games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild target more dedicated gamers who desire complex narratives and open-world exploration.


  • Audience targeting may also contribute to trends in the gaming industry such as gender stereotyping or exclusion of certain groups.
  • Developers may often focus on demographic groups that are seen as more profitable, potentially marginalizing smaller or niche audiences.
  • This can lead to controversies, such as accusations of “pandering” to certain audiences at the expense of others.
  • The rise of digital distribution platforms, like Steam or Epic Store, have provided developers access to global and diverse audiences.
  • This, coupled with data analytics and A/B testing, allow developers and marketers to fine-tune their audience targeting strategies in real-time.
  • Growing E-Sports popularity also impacts audience targeting strategies by enticing a younger, competitive gamer demographic.


  • Understanding and correctly targeting audiences is a critical aspect of video game development and marketing.
  • It involves careful research and understanding of demographic profiles, player behaviour, cultural nuances, and gaming preferences.
  • While it has potential pitfalls, it remains central to ensuring the success of gaming products in an increasingly diverse and global industry.