Action Led- Codes and Conventions of form

Action Led- Codes and Conventions of form


  • An Action Led- Code refers to a set of rules or conventions that are followed in Action video games to stimulate the desired response from the player.
  • The term Conventions of Form typically refers to the established norms or design elements that are characteristic of a specific genre.

Key Conventions

  • Typical action video games conventions include challenging combat situations, high-speed movements, problem-solving and elements of exploration.
  • The main character, controlled by the user, typically needs to overcome various obstacles or combat situations to progress through the game.
  • Many action games operate in a three-dimensional, open-world environment that allows substantial exploration.

Game Elements

  • Visuals: High definition graphics, fast frame rates, and extensive detailing are common conventions of form in Action games, designed to enhance player immersion and simulate real-world feel.
  • Soundtrack: Atmospheric and dramatic music often accompanies action sequences to heighten tension and excitement.
  • Controls: Fast-paced action games often require quick reflexes from the player, necessitating responsive controls and often complex combinations.

Impact on Player Engagement

  • The challenging scenarios, quick pacing, and complex control mechanics in action games are designed to keep players engaged and rewarded.
  • Exploration and problem-solving elements can provide secondary appeal, adding depth and diversity to the game’s appeal.


  • Games like Assassin’s Creed, God of War and Call of Duty display many of these conventions of form, with high-adrenaline combat situations, detailed graphics, and expansive open environments for exploration.
  • The high-paced combat, impressive visuals, and complex character controls in Devil May Cry or Uncharted series are examples of Action Led- Codes.

Critique & Controversies

  • Critics often point out that such games promote violence and aggression due to their focus on combat and war situations.
  • Controversy also arises regarding the portrayal of gender, culture, and racial stereotypes in many action games.
  • This genre dominates the mainstream gaming market, contributing to high sales numbers.
  • Ongoing trends include the incorporation of storytelling features and role-playing game (RPG) elements for increased player engagement.


  • There are age and content restriction regulations set by bodies such as PEGI (Pan European Game Information) and ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) for violent and adult content in action video games.