From Wales to Hollywood: Chosen Film Posters- Genre theory

From Wales to Hollywood: Chosen Film Posters- Genre theory

Introduction to Genre Theory

  • Genre theory is a critical tool used in analysing the conventions and patterns in the media, categorising diverse media texts into recognisable groups.
  • These groups reproduce certain consistent features and are defined by specific codes and conventions.
  • Genres could be a variety of forms inclusive of - but not limited to - drama, sci-fi, thriller, romantic comedy, etc.
  • The conventions of a genre are drawn from various elements like narrative structure, character types, iconography, setting, and visual style.

Significance of Film Poster’s Genre

  • The genre of a film is often communicated through its poster. The poster becomes a marketing tool to attract an audience familiar with that genre.
  • Certain elements of a film poster such as colour palette, typography, imagery, and iconography, help establish the genre.
  • Communication of the film’s genre through the poster can shape audience expectations and appeal to specific target demographics.

Analysing Film Posters through Genre Theory

  • Understanding genre theory can help in dissecting and comprehending the visual codes and conventions present in film posters.
  • Applying genre theory to a horror movie poster, one might identify conventions like dark colour palette, distressed typography, frightening iconography, etc.
  • Using genre theory for a romantic comedy poster, identifiable conventions might include bright colour theme, casual and playful typography, and light-hearted imagery.
  • Film posters often blend elements from other genres to appeal to a wider audience while creating new sub-genres. This is known as hybrid genres.

Effect of Cultural Variation on Genre Perception

  • Cultural factors can impact how different audiences perceive genre. E.g., what is considered comedy in one culture may not be funny in another.
  • For instance, a film poster styled in the conventions of a ‘western’ might project different connotations to audiences based in the US compared to those in other countries/non-western cultures.
  • Such cultural disparities must be considered during film marketing.

Critical Evaluation of Film Posters

  • An important step in media analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of these film posters in communicating the genre, attracting target audience and setting proper audience expectations.
  • It is essential to analyse if the poster’s use of genre conventions and visual cues align with the film’s storyline and aids audience in identifying the film’s genre correctly.
  • A film poster that properly communicates its genre and captures the audience’s attention while sparking curiosity and interest is likely to have successfully carried out its functions.