Importance of High Production Values

Importance of High Production Values

Defining High Production Values

  • High production values refer to the quality of a film’s production, including scripting, acting, camera work, set design, costumes, soundtracks, special effects, and post-production.
  • Films with high production values typically have a polished, professional feel and are usually associated with bigger budgets and resources.

High Production Values and Commercial Success

  • High production values have been linked to commercial success. Big-budget films often earn their investment back through box-office earnings and secondary revenue streams such as merchandising and distribution rights.
  • Large-scale productions with high production values often have a global appeal, with wide distribution strategies aiming for international audiences. They can generate huge revenues not just from ticket sales, but also from home entertainment, TV rights, and merchandising.
  • High production values typically result in visually impactful films that can draw in audiences and create a spectacle, often favouring popular genre conventions like action, adventure, romance, and fantasy.

High Production Values and Critical Acclaim

  • High production values also have the potential to garner critical acclaim. The technical finesse and associated quality is often celebrated within the industry and can lead to awards and recognition.
  • Films with high production values are often viewed as ‘quality cinema’ which can resonate with critics, festival juries, and audiences who appreciate more than just commercial entertainment.

High Production Values and Audience Perception

  • High production values can influence audience perception. Audiences may associate higher production values with a more enjoyable, immersive cinematic experience.
  • High-quality visuals and sound, combined with professional acting and skilful storytelling, often result in a memorable cinema experience and positive audience reception.

High Production Values and Studio Brand Identity

  • High production values are often associated with the brand identity of major studios. These studios use high production values as a brand statement, an indicator of their commitment to quality entertainment.
  • Studios like Universal or Warner Bros. often invest in high production values as a way to maintain brand prestige and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

Contrast to Lower Production Values

  • In contrast, lower-budget films may not have the same level of production quality, focusing instead on narrative depth or innovative themes, they can still achieve critical success, and resonate with a niche audience.
  • Nevertheless, even low-budget films strive for the best production values they can achieve within their budget, highlighting the general industry recognition of the importance of high production quality.
  • However, the increasing affordability and access to digital technology is narrowing the gap between high-budget and low-budget films in terms of production quality, leading to an elevation of production values across the board.