
Convergence - Key Topics

Concept of Convergence

  • Convergence refers to the merging of different media forms, leading to a transformation in the way they are created, distributed, and consumed.
  • In newspaper industry, it typically involves combining print, digital, and social media platforms to present news content.

Impact on Newspaper Production

  • Convergence brings about multimodal storytelling, with newspapers incorporating text, video, audio, infographics etc. to tell a news story, catering to a range of audience preferences.
  • It leads to the increasing use of user-generated content, often through social media, as it allows instant feedback and audience engagement.
  • Newspapers are seen to adopt a 24/7 news cycle due to the demands of online news environment.

Influence on Newspaper Distribution

  • Convergence boosts the rise of cross-media ownership, where a company owns different types of media outlets. It impacts the uniformity and diversity of news presented to audiences.
  • With digital platforms, newspapers can reach a global audience, breaking geographical barriers.
  • The distribution of news is significantly influenced by social media algorithms and search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies.

Effect on Newspaper Consumption

  • Convergence leads to a participatory culture, where audience is not just passive consumers, but also creators and distributors of news content.
  • It empowers the audience with selective exposure, allowing them to choose what they want to read, when and where they want to read it.
  • The consumption of news has been increasingly fragmented and personalised, with individual’s newsfeed tailored based on their previous activities, interests and clicks.

Ethical Considerations

  • In a converged media landscape, the credibility and authenticity of news content can be an issue, as fake news and disinformation can easily spread.
  • The privacy of the audience can be compromised due to the tracking of their digital footprints and online behaviour for personalised content.
  • The monetisation of news online brings forth ethical dilemmas, with the tension between free access to news and the financial sustainability of newspapers.