Newspapers: Codes and conventions of radio news

Newspapers: Codes and conventions of radio news

Understanding Radio News Formats

  • Recognise that radio news takes a different, more auditory focused format than print or television news. Live reports, pre-recorded interviews, read bulletins, and discussions/comments are common elements of a radio news broadcast.

  • The order of stories in a radio news bulletin carries significance. Lead stories generally have the most airtime.

  • Radio news also includes jingles, station identifications, and time signals to provide structure and signal transitions between segments.

Grasping Radio News Language

  • In radio news, the headlines are crucial as they may be all a listener hears - they aim to hook the listener, often using rhetorical techniques or emotive language.

  • The use of language is essential in radio news broadcasts. It is usually designed to be simple and straightforward to ensure understanding by the widest variety of listeners.

  • Radio news relies heavily on sound bites, background noise, and ambience to help construct a vivid scenario for listeners.

Codes and Semiotics in Radio News

  • The voice of the broadcaster and interviewees is a significant semiotic resource in radio news - use of tone, pitch, pace, accent can all convey deeper meanings and impressions.

  • Sound effects and musical cues can set the mood or theme of a news story, offer an introduction or transition, or enhance story’s impact.

  • The choice of speakers in radio news stories can reflect the broadcaster’s perspective and influence the framing of a narrative.

Understanding the Audience and Purpose of Radio News

  • Like all forms of news media, radio news caters to specific demographics which can influence its choice of stories, reporting style, and language used.

  • Be aware that radio stations may also hold political affiliations or biases, which can impact the presentation and interpretation of news.

  • Despite the variety in formats, the central purpose of radio news is to inform listeners, spark debate and potentially shape public opinion.

  • Given the transient nature of radio listening, radio news often prioritises brief bulletins and snippets that can be easily digested even if listeners tune in part way through.

  • Be aware of the prevalence of radio phone-ins which give listeners a direct voice and bring audience interaction, adding an interactive dimension.