Artificial Things: Aural Settings

Sure, here’s the information regarding the “Artificial Things: Aural Settings” structured in line with your guidelines:

Aural Settings in Artificial Things

  • Sound score: Composed by Andy Higgs, it adds an immersing effect and supports the narrative of the dance.
  • Use of silence: Strategically emphasises certain movements or moments.

Use of Ambient Sounds

  • Natural sounds: Birdsong, water, underscore the themes present in the dance.
  • Man-made sounds: People talking, city noises, add to the dance’s setting.

Integration of Aural and Visual Elements

  • Timing: Co-ordination between the dancers’ movements and the sound score, it plays an essential part in delivering the key message of the dance.
  • Sound and movement synchronisation: The efficiency of the sound and the dance movements enhance the overall impact of the dance.

Remember to understand how each aural element is used individually and how it collaborates with other elements to create the final performance.