Duet/Trio Performance

Choreography in a Duet/Trio Performance

  • Understand the importance of collaboration as duets and trios require cooperation and synchronisation amongst all members.
  • Recognize the value of innovation and creativity because these performances allow dancers to interact in more complex ways than solos.
  • Learn the skill to transition smoothly from solo parts to collective parts.
  • Use different choreographic devices, such as unison, cannon, mirroring, and counterpoint, to enhance the visual effect.

Technical Skills for Duet/Trio Performance

  • Demonstrate an excellent control of the body to ensure security when executing lifts, supports, or any type of contact work.
  • Show a good level of strength and flexibility to execute the moves without causing risk to others or oneself.
  • Display musicality, understanding the relationship between movements and the rhythm, tempo or mood of the music.

Performance Skills in a Duet/Trio

  • Master communication and connection with other dancers, which can be through eye contact, body language or movements.
  • Show an effective spatial awareness to avoid any collisions or missteps and to ensure a harmonised group visualisation.
  • Incorporate proper projection and expression, to connect not only with the performers but also with the audience.

Safe Practice for Duet/Trio Performance

  • Implement warm-ups and cool-downs collectively to prepare muscles and decrease the risk of injury.
  • Apply safe handling techniques during lifting or supporting movements.
  • Keep track of the spacing, timing, and formation to prevent any mishaps or collisions during the performance.