Self-critical appreciation: turn

Self-critical appreciation: turn

Evaluation and Objectivity

  • Recognise the importance of evaluating your own performances, this includes your ability to execute a turn smoothly and efficiently.
  • Cultivate a mindset for constructive criticism, view feedback as an opportunity for growth.

Technique and Practice

  • Identify the foundation skills essential for executing turns correctly including balance, spotting, coordination, and control.
  • Practice regularly and with attention to detail, turns require precision and consistency to perfect.

Control and Stability

  • Understand the role of control in a turn, the ability to hold the body together tightly to maintain stability while turning is key.
  • Maintain balance and stability during turns - this links back to your core strength and alignment.

Spotting and Dizziness

  • Look into the technique of ‘spotting’, a method employed by dancers to make turns less dizzying and more precise.
  • Learn to manage dizziness that can often accompany turns by practicing spotting regularly.

Role in Choreography

  • Appreciate the aesthetics that a well-executed turn can bring to a dance piece.
  • Examine how your turns contribute to overall choreography, do they enhance or disrupt the flow?

Dedication and Patience

  • Commit to improving, understanding that mastering turns may take time and patience.
  • Acknowledge your growth, appreciate the progress made no matter how small.

Remember, just like any other dance technique, improving your turns requires consistent practice, constructive feedback, and persistence. Keep these key aspects in mind while working on your turns.