Within Her Eyes: Choreographic devices

Within Her Eyes: Choreographic Devices

  • Motif development: This is the process of taking a simple idea, phrase, or sequence and developing it throughout the performance.
  • Repetition: Certain movements or sequences are repeated throughout the performance to reinforce key themes or ideas.
  • Contrast: Different movements styles or dynamics can be used to create contrast, highlighting certain elements of the performance.

Use of Dynamics

  • Sustained: The movements flow smoothly and continuously.
  • Sharp: These are quick, precise movements.
  • Swinging: These are rhythmic movements with a pendulum-like motion.
  • Collapsing: These movements give the effect of endurance, falling, or succumbing to gravity.

Use of Space

  • Levels: The dancers use a variety of levels including high, medium, and low in order to express different emotions and tones.
  • Directions: Movements travel in multiple directions, sometimes in a linear or circular path.
  • Configurations: Dancers shape patterns on the stage, such as lines, circles, grids, etc.

Use of Relationships between Dancers

  • Contact improvisation: Parts where the dancers are connected, exploring the dynamics of moving together.
  • Counterpoint: Different dance motifs occur simultaneously, to create visual complexity.
  • Mirroring: One dancer mirrors the movement of the other dancer as if their reflection.

Please note, this is a simplified overview and real exam questions will require a deeper understanding of these concepts.