Artificial Things: Costume

“Artificial Things: Costume”

The Overall Look

  • The outfits worn during Artificial Things lean towards the mundane and every day, drawing upon imagery from the world of the office workplace.
  • Each costume is carefully chosen to reflect the character represented by the dancer.

Male Costumes

  • Men are seen in grey office trousers and braces, either with or without shirts. This can be interpreted as representing various stages of undress, corresponding to the character’s emotional state.

Female Costumes

  • The females, like the males, are dressed as though they’ve come from an office. The white shirts and business trousers worn reflects the everyday nature of their lives prior to any event that may have left them disabled.
  • The use of a red dress for a background character could be a symbol of longing - a reflection on what once was, or a life they might desire.

Wheelchair Costumes

  • Dancers in wheelchairs are fully integrated into the performance, with their mobility aids forming part of their costume. Like their clothing, the wheelchairs are simple, functional and unadorned.

Symbolism in Clothing

  • Underlying the simplicity of dress, there’s a deep symbolism in all elements of the costumes. They communicate certain ideas about the characters and their histories, informing the audience about the context of the dance piece.
  • The costumes emphasise the theme of transformation - as the dance progresses, dancers gradually lose pieces of their outfits, suggesting a transformation of self.

Variations Between Dancers

  • Though costuming follows a common thread, there are individual variations between dancers. These serve to emphasise the unique journeys of each character.