The Chimney-Sweeper (Experience): Plot

The Chimney-Sweeper (Experience): Plot

  • The poem opens with a direct speech from the chimney sweeper, who presents himself as a pitiful figure who could hardly “cry ‘weep!’ ‘weep!’ ‘weep!’ ‘weep!’” due to the cold.

  • There’s a shift in focus from the speaker to his parents, who are in church offering prayers. His parents, according to him, believe that they have done no harm by making him a chimney sweeper, even though they were responsible for his blackened state and subsequent misery.

  • The speaker implies that he was forced into chimney sweeping duty after his mother died and his father sold him.

  • He suggests that his innocence was stripped away from him and he now perceives the world with bitterness, as he talks about how his parents comfortably sit in church while he suffers.

  • The second half of the poem explores the theme of the Church and its role or lack thereof in his life, presenting a stark image of a corrupt system that favors self-interest over the welfare of its members.

  • The poem ends on a bleak note with the speaker, stuck in a cycle of despair and oppression, shedding light on the hypocrisy of his parents who are at the church praying.

Italicized portions indicate main plot points that you can emphasize in your response.