A Spell for Forgetting a Father: Themes & Linking Poems

A Spell for Forgetting a Father: Themes & Linking Poems

“A Spell for Forgetting a Father: Themes

  • Loss and Absence: Sam-La Rose explores the theme of absences and their haunting presence, particularly the emotional vacuum a father figure can leave.
  • Coming-of-Age: Sam-La Rose’s employ of magic realism and spells reflects the transition into adulthood and the search for a coping mechanism to navigate the complex world of emotions.
  • Identity: Implicit in the poem is the struggle to shape and assert one’s identity despite—or perhaps because of—the absence of paternal guidance.
  • Memory and Forgetting: The use of a ‘spell’ mirrors the tug-of-war between the need to remember and the desire to forget, showing the difficulty of dealing with emotionally charged memories.
  • Power of Language: The poem underscores the transformative power of language, expressed in the form of spells, to heal emotional wounds.

“A Spell for Forgetting a Father: Linking Poems

  • “Speechless V: Poet & Context”: Connections can be drawn between the struggle with language and self-expression present in both poems. Both explore the complexities of navigating personal and emotional terrain.
  • “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman: Much like Whitman, Sam-La Rose embarks on a quest of self-identity, touching upon themes of individuality and self-realisation despite adversities.
  • “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath: Both Plath and Sam-La Rose wrestle with the difficulty of relationships with absent fathers. The energetic attempt to forget or exorcise the father figure is a common thread.

“A Spell for Forgetting a Father: Stylistic Devices

  • Use of Magic Realism: Sam-La Rose employs magic realism as a coping mechanism, using the ‘spell’ as a way to leave behind painful memories and move forward.
  • Imagery: Sam-La Rose’s use of vivid and impactful imagery helps to depict the emotional landscape that the speaker navigates. For example, “a mansion within the mansion of your mind” provides a visually encapsulating metaphor for the process of forgetting.
  • Metaphor and Symbolism: By equating the process of forgetting to a magic spell, Sam-La Rose symbolises the speaker’s desire to forget his father and the pain associated with him.

“A Spell for Forgetting a Father: Key Quotes

  • “a thought that returns through the mansion of your memory”: This offers a striking image of the mind and memory as a vast mansion, wherein thoughts and memories ‘return’ rather than ‘remain’. This suggests a dynamic rather than static perspective of memory.
  • “a draft in the chambers”: This metaphor equates the sensation of memory or thought with a physical sensation, establishing an identifiable analogy for the emotional processes in the poem.
  • “With rock salt and paprika, ignite a fire”: The specific and unusual components of the ‘spell’ add a sense of authenticity to the magic realism, helping to ground even the most fantastical elements. The image of ‘igniting a fire’ also reflects the speaker’s ambition to spark change and cleanse past pain.