The Love Poem: Structure & Language Techniques

The Love Poem: Structure & Language Techniques

Structure in “The Love Poem”

  • Cyclical Structure: “The Love Poem” displays a cyclical structure as it begins and ends with similar images - an evocation of the reader’s “darling”, which denotes a return to the beginning, mirroring the continuous cycle of love.

  • Verses Structure: The poem is split into four verses, each verse contributing to the unfolding narrative of the poem and offering a fresh perspective on the theme of love.

  • Pacing: The pace of the poem changes noticeably between verses, echoing the wavering and unpredictable nature of love.

Language Techniques in “The Love Poem”

  • Imagery: Duffy utilises powerful romantic and sensual imagery to captivate readers and produce a rich, evocative picture of love. Phrases like “folding and unfolding at your heart” paint love as an alive, organic entity.

  • Metaphor: Metaphorical language is heavily used throughout. An example would be, “You are the bread and the knife”, where love is understood as sustenance and a tool, something that both nurtures and shapes us.

  • Alliteration and Assonance: Sound devices such as alliteration and assonance are used to craft a rhythmic, harmonious quality, reflecting the symphony of love.

  • Addressing the Reader: By directly addressing the reader using “you”, Duffy establishes a personal and intimate tone, drawing the reader into the poem’s emotional landscape.

  • Word Choice: The selection of words denotes feeling and mood - words like “impossible”, “intense”, “passionate” convey the heightened emotional state oft associated with love.

  • Repetition: The repetition of certain lines and words underscores their significance, contributing to the cyclical narrative structure and emphasizing the persistent, ever-present nature of love.

Contextual Appreciation of “The Love Poem”

  • Duffy’s Unique Take on Love: Carol Ann Duffy often subverts traditional ideas of love in her poetry. While “The Love Poem” contains many familiar romantic expressions, it simultaneously defies conventions by presenting love as an enduring force that encompasses simple, everyday aspects of life, fostering a fresh understanding of love.

  • Pushing Boundaries with Language: Comparable to other works by Duffy, “The Love Poem” courageously experiments with language to depict the intensity and complexity of love in a striking, unconventional manner. This bold, distinct usage of language is characteristic of Duffy’s poetic style.