Painting Back from Market, by Chardin: Plot

Painting Back from Market, by Chardin: Plot

Plot Summary

  • “Painting Back from Market, by Chardin” is a poem by Eavan Boland that vividly describes a painting by the French artist Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin.
  • The painting portrays a young woman returning from the market with her purchases, and the poem examines this simple, ordinary scene through poetic language.
  • Initially, the poem presents the kitchen scene shown in the painting. The mention of the coalscuttle, copper pot, and china dish highlights the domesticity of this setting.
  • The poet underscores the contrast between the market’s liveliness and the calm home space by describing various sounds such as “the bargain, the banter, the brightened haggle”.
  • The narrator of the poem reflects on the young woman in the painting, expressing a sense of understanding and kinship towards her. She admires the woman’s strength and resilience, embodied in the image of her carrying heavy loads after her market trip.
  • Towards the end of the poem, Eavan Boland comments on the relation between the world of the painting and real life, implying that even such an ordinary scene has profound significance.

The Title

  • The title creates anticipation for the reader as it directly refers to a specific art piece, foreshadowing the poem’s theme: the interpretation of art and everyday experiences.

Scene Development

  • The narrative begins with the quiet reality of domestic life but dilates to embrace the bustling market. This shift is enacted through Boland’s vivid language and clever imagery.

The Young Woman’s Character

  • Boland sympathetically portrays the young woman, accentuating her simplicity but also her stoicism. The poet finds greater meaning in this everyday scene, identifying a worthwhile narrative in the ordinary.

Art and Reality

  • Boland’s commentary on the intersection of art and reality invites the readers to consider how everyday experiences can encapsulate profound truths, symbolised in the ordinary scene depicted in Chardin’s painting.