I felt a Funeral, in my Brain: Plot

“I felt a Funeral, in my Brain: Plot”


  • The poem is an introspective exploration of the speaker’s internal state, likened to a funeral.


  • The speaker describes a funeral happening in her brain, a metaphor for intense mental anguish and suffering.
  • She provides details of mourners, the service, and the solemn atmosphere, essentially bringing an external event into her internal world.


  • The speaker experiences the lifting of a box, presumably a coffin, which signals a transition into a phase of even more intense pain.
  • A bell is heard tolling, a common funeral practise, signifying the finality of death but in this case, seems to represent a mental breakdown.


  • The speaker describes how she seems to be teetering, reeling, and losing her rationality and reason, as though on the edge of a void.
  • The “plank in reason” breaking suggests a complete breakdown of sanity.


  • The speaker experiences a descent, a falling “down, and down” into this mental void.
  • The poem ends ambiguously and abruptly, leaving the ultimate state of the speaker unknown.

Key Themes

  • Decline into Mental Suffering: Throughout the poem, the unfolding funeral represents the speaker’s progressive cognitive decline.
  • Death and the Mind: The imagery of a funeral provides a stark, visceral connection between mental suffering and physical death.
  • Uncertainties: The abrupt end leaves the state of the speaker uncertain, symbolising the ambiguous and uncertain nature of mental health.

Key Quotations

  • “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain”: The opening line presents the key metaphor of the poem.
  • “When they all were seated”: The detail contributes to the funeral metaphor and the feeling of helplessness.
  • “And I, and Silence, some strange Race/Wrecked, solitary, here”: These lines underscore the feeling of alienation and mental torment the speaker experiences.
  • “And I dropped down, and down—”: This line symbolises the speaker’s descent into mental oblivion.