The Ecchoing Green: Themes & Linking Poems

The Ecchoing Green: Themes & Linking Poems

Ecchoing Green: Key Themes

  • Cycle of life: The poem illustrates the day from morning to evening as well as depicting the life stages of infancy, youth, and old age.
  • Nostalgia: The poignant depiction of the elderly reminiscing their early days is a recurring motif.

Linking Poems

  • ‘Nurse’s Song’: Shared motif of children playing outdoors and the cycle of the day.
  • ‘The Lamb’: Both poems present motifs of spring and innocence.

Symbolism in ‘The Ecchoing Green’

  • Green: Symbolizes youth, vitality, and nature’s renewal each spring.
  • Echoing: Suggests the past being remembered and repeated in the present.

Social and Historical Context

  • Blake was critical of the exploitation of children and people in his time. This poem suggests an idealised vision, perhaps contrasting with the reality.
  • The poem was published during the Industrial Revolution where changes were rapid and profound. Blake uses the pastoral setting possibly as a critique of industrialization.


  • Idealised vs Realistic: Some argue Blake is presenting an idyllic view of rural life, while others contend that it’s an ironic depiction meant to highlight the harsh realities of his time.
  • Religion: Religious readings see the poem as a depiction of Paradise, or of the perfect world God intended.