Make Some Noise: Themes & Linking Poems

Make Some Noise: Themes & Linking Poems


  • “Make Some Noise: Themes & Linking Poems” is a detailed study by Jacob Sam-La Rose.
  • This study explores poetry’s unique ability to express abstract concepts, emotions and experiences in palpable, relatable terms.

Key Themes

  • Voice and Expression - Exploring poetry as a medium for individual and collective expression.
  • Identity and Experience - Relating poetic expression to individual and group identity.
  • Human Connection - Highlighting the role of poetry in fostering empathy, understanding, and shared human experience.

Analysis of Themes

  • Poetry is analysed as a form of personal expression, allowing the poet to communicate their unique thoughts, experiences, and emotions.
  • Explores how poetry can convey complex emotional experiences, making the intangible tangible.
  • Expresses how poetry can be a tool for exploring identity, both individual and collective.
  • Considers the powerful role of poetry in connecting people through shared emotions, experiences, and understanding.

Interlinked Poems

  • Explores how different poems can be linked thematically, creating a cohesive narrative across an anthology or collection.
  • Discusses the role of recurring motifs and themes in establishing these links between poems.
  • Explains how such interconnections can deepen the reader’s understanding of the poems and enrich the reading experience.

Poetry Techniques

  • Details the use of metaphor, imagery, and other poetic devices to convey abstract concepts and emotions effectively.
  • Discusses how form, structure, and rhythm can shape the meaning and emotional impact of a poem.
  • Conveys how the play of words, use of ambiguity, and layering of meanings can create richness and depth in poetry.

Remember: The beauty of “Make Some Noise: Themes & Linking Poems” lies in dissecting how poetry can be used as a tool for personal expression, a means of exploring identity, and a route to human connection. To truly grasp this study, one must delve deep into the key themes, pay close attention to the techniques discussed, and consider the power of interlinking poems.