Answer: Themes & Linking Poems

Answer: Themes & Linking Poems

Themes in “Answer”

  • Desire and Fulfilment: “Answer” portrays a deep longing and desire for completeness. This longing is presented as a yearning for an idealised other, someone who can answer all doubts and complete the speaker.

  • Individual Identity: The examination of one’s identity is a prominent theme. The continuous questioning throughout the poem reflects the speaker’s inner quest for self-understanding and self-affirmation.

  • Permanence versus Transience: “Answer” contrasts the ideas of permanence and transience, presenting love as an unpredictable force that can both endure and alter over time.

  • Nature: The frequent use of natural imagery represents the natural and primal instincts of human beings, tying love and longing to the most basic of human experiences.

Linking Poems and Contextual Understanding

  • “Rapture”: Like “Answer”, “Rapture” also focuses on the theme of love being an overwhelmingly powerful force that can consume a person’s identity. It can be seen as a thematic companion to “Answer” as it captures similar sides of love and desire.

  • “Warming Her Pearls”: The subject of longing for someone unattainably perfect is heavily reflected in “Warming Her Pearls”, making it a suitable parallel to “Answer”.

  • “Hour”: As a reflection about love and the passing of time, “Hour” can be linked to “Answer” through their shared exploration of temporality and the lasting impact of love.

  • Context of Carol Ann Duffy’s work: It is key to grasp that Duffy often looks at the experience of love and desire from unconventional angles, depicting the complex emotions and intense passion associated with romantic relationships. As noted, themes of individual identity, longing and the passage of time are recurrent in her work. Furthermore, the intensive use of natural imagery is also characteristic of Duffy’s poetic style, showcasing love in its raw, untampered form.