The Ecchoing Green: Key Quotes

The Ecchoing Green: Key Quotes

  • The sun does arise,”: This initial quote sets the lively and positive tone of the poem, indicating the beginning of a new day filled with opportunity.
  • Old John with white hair,”: Introduces the character ‘Old John’, symbolizing wisdom and maturity.
  • And sport no more seen / On the darkening green,”: Represents the progression of time and the inevitability of the end of the day, and metaphorically, the end of life.

The Ecchoing Green: Poet and Context

  • William Blake was an active and vocal critic of the Church and State of England during his time.
  • He published ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience’ as a reflection and criticism of the societal norms of his era, particularly those related to child labor and the rigid class system.
  • ‘The Ecchoing Green’ is part of the ‘Songs of Innocence’ collection and is typically interpreted as a representation of childhood innocence and the nostalgia for lost youthful days.