Answer: Plot

Answer: Plot

Overview of “Answer”

  • “Answer” is one of Carol Ann Duffy’s poems from her collection, “Rapture”. This collection notably explores the many facets of love, with “Answer” being no exception.

  • In “Answer,” Duffy navigates the theme of love in all its complexity. She intertwines themes of love, loss, hope, and vulnerability to provide an emotionally potent piece which resonates on a personal level.

Themes in “Answer”

  • Love and Vulnerability: “Answer” delves into the raw, emotive state of being in love. The use of first-person perspective and introspective tone accentuates the speaker’s vulnerability and desperation.

  • Wish and Hope: A recurring motif in the poem is the speaker’s wish for a positive reaction to their love. The rhetorical question “If you were made of stone, your kiss a fossil sealed up in your lips,” echoes this element of hope amid uncertainty.

  • Separation and Reconnection: “Answer” artfully explores the sense of separation as well as reconnection since the relationship is marked by a degree of indecisiveness and emotional turmoil.

Linking Poems and Contextual Understanding

  • “Hour”: This poem also celebrates love, albeit in its fleetingness. By comparing “Hour” with “Answer”, the variety of Duffy’s portrayal of love in “Rapture” can be further appreciated.

  • “Quickdraw”: Another poem from the same collection, “Quickdraw,” can be analysed in conjunction with “Answer”. Both poems portray love as an emotional battlefield, thus opening a discourse on agonising love.

  • Context of Carol Ann Duffy’s work: As the UK’s first female Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy’s work is marked by her exploration of gender and sexuality, often through everyday situations and themes. Her poetic voice is unique in that it makes profound observations through subtle yet impactful means. This context informs the reading of “Answer”, underscoring the speaker’s emotional depths and need for a positive response from their beloved.