Black Watch: Performers' vocal interpretation of character (accent, volume, pitch, timing, pace, intonation, phrasing, emotional range, delivery of lines)

Black Watch: Performers’ vocal interpretation of character (accent, volume, pitch, timing, pace, intonation, phrasing, emotional range, delivery of lines)

Black Watch: Performers’ Vocal Interpretation of Character


  • The performers use Scottish accents to place the play’s setting and to provide authenticity to the characters.
  • Different regional accents are utilised to individualise characters and reflect their specific geographic origins within Scotland.
  • The strong, thick accents can also emphasise the cultural and social realities experienced by the soldiers in the Black Watch regiment.

Volume, Pitch and Pace

  • Variations in volume, pitch, and pace are used to convey the emotional state and intentions of the characters.
  • Sudden increases in volume often indicate aggression or heightened emotion.
  • Varied pitch is employed to express the range of emotions the soldiers experience, from fear and uncertainty to camaraderie and bravado.
  • A slow pace is utilised during times of introspection or sorrow, while a quickened pace reflects urgency or stress.

Timing and Phrasing

  • Timing plays a crucial role, with pauses used effectively to portray tension or to allow the impact of a revelation or significant event to sink in.
  • The phrasing of lines, particularly in the rhythmic drill sequences, contributes to the physicality and pace of the performance, reinforcing the military setting.

Intonation and Emotional Range

  • Skilful intonation is used to imbue the lines with emotion and meaning beyond the literal words.
  • The broad emotional range depicted through vocal work sheds light on the complexity of the characters’ experiences - from fear, frustration and anger, to moments of humour, camaraderie and vulnerability.

Delivery of Lines

  • Careful delivery of lines is crucial in portraying the relationships between characters, the power dynamics within the group and the pressure of their circumstances.
  • The interplay of conversational and formal military speech serves the dual purpose of emphasising the strict military hierarchy and capturing the soldiers’ camaraderie.
  • Strong emphasis is placed on realism and authenticity in the delivery of lines, to portray a credible representation of life in the Black Watch regiment.