Othello: creation of mood and atmosphere

Othello: Creation of Mood and Atmosphere


  • Each setting in Othello, from the bustling streets of Venice to the isolated, war-bound island of Cyprus, contributes to the overall atmosphere, reflecting the tone of the play’s events at any given time.
  • The storm that hits Cyprus, destroying the Turkish fleet but sparing the Venetians, adds an ominous and mystical atmosphere, establishing the stage for the tragic events that follow.


  • Shakespeare employs potent imagery to evoke mood and atmosphere. Animalistic, devilish, and dark imagery predominates, presenting a threatening and sinister atmosphere.
  • The imagery of poison frequently employed by Iago colour and amplifies the mood of corruption and deterioration of honesty and love between characters.

Language and Dialogue

  • The narrative style and language selected by characters can significantly influence the mood. Othello’s elegance and eloquence at the onset contrast his fragmented and incoherent utterances towards the end, exposing the chaotic and harrowing turn of events.
  • Iago’s coarse and vulgar language, especially in his interactions with Desdemona, serves to create a contemptible and base atmosphere - far removed from the civilised world of Venice.


  • Symbolism plays a crucial role in establishing mood and atmosphere. Symbols like the handkerchief and ‘Willow Song’ generate a haunting sense of impending catastrophe.
  • The imagery of light and dark repeatedly emphasised in the play intensifies the themes of innocence and sin, creating a stark contrast and a tense atmosphere.

Dramatic Irony

  • Dramatic irony, through the audience’s awareness of Iago’s machinations, creates a tense atmosphere of uncertainty and dread, keeping them on the edge of their seats.

Music and Sound

  • The use of music and sound, like Desdemona’s ‘Willow Song’ or the tolling of the bell in the harelding Othello’s death, succeeds in creating strong moments of pathos, anticipation, and anxiety.

Remember: An understanding of how Shakespeare utilises setting, language, imagery, and various dramatic techniques to generate mood and atmosphere is instrumental in appreciating the emotional intensity and aesthetic of Othello.