Earthquakes in London: stage directions

Earthquakes in London: stage directions

Nature of Stage Directions in Earthquakes in London

  • Stage directions in Earthquakes in London are often broad, leaving significant scope for interpretation by the director and actors.

  • The playwright, Mike Bartlett, uses stage directions to layer on opaque meanings and indicate moods rather than precisely describe action.

  • Throughout the play, there are instances where stage directions indicate a character’s emotional state, contributing to the character development.

Purpose of Stage Directions

  • Stage directions help convey the episodic, fragmented structure of the play, supporting its non-linear narrative.

  • They often hint at off-stage events, helping to build the broader world outside the immediate scene which adds depth to the story.

  • The sheer number of scene changes suggested by the stage directions underpin the play’s rapid pace and enhance the dramatic tension.

Impact of Stage Directions on Staging

  • The generalised and open-ended stage directions force a creative use of theatrical elements like lighting, sound, and set design to establish shifts in time and space.

  • The stage directions necessitate a fluid set design, capable of smoothly transitioning between numerous disparate scenes.

  • They encourage the use of innovative staging techniques like simultaneity and meta-theatrics to meet the play’s demands.

Interpreting the Stage Directions

  • Understanding and implementing the stage directions can profoundly affect the tone, pace, and overall impact of the play’s performance.

  • Interpreting these stage directions requires an understanding of the play’s themes and a willingness to adapt to its fluid structure.

  • As much is left to interpretation, considering original and bold production choices can enhance the play’s relevance to contemporary audiences.