The Love of the Nightingale: character motivation and interaction

The Love of the Nightingale: character motivation and interaction

Character Motivation and Interaction in “The Love of the Nightingale”


  • Tereus is motivated by lust, power, and a sense of entitlement. This is evident in his decision to take Philomele by force and subsequently silence her.
  • His interaction with other characters is largely dominant and manipulative, as seen in disguising his true intentions from his father-in-law, Pandion, and controlling Procne.


  • Love for her sister and desire for justice fuel Procne’s actions throughout the play.
  • Her initial submission to Tereus is replaced by defiance once she realises his capacity for cruelty.
  • Procne’s interaction with Philomele shifts from a protective, maternal role to one of shared victimhood.


  • Philomele grapples with motivation centred around fear, shame, and ultimately, survival.
  • Her violation prompts a desire for revenge and justice, leading her to weave her tale into a tapestry and send it to Procne.
  • Philomele’s interaction with other characters is marked by her voicelessness, but she finds ways to communicate her trauma and initiate her fightback.


  • Niobe is motivated by her wish to preserve the status quo and ensure safety in a society where women are dominated by men.
  • Her interaction with others demonstrates her conformity to societal norms, but she also offers caution and wisdom to her more naïve counterparts.

The Chorus

  • The Chorus is motivated by the need to represent collective thoughts and feelings, and to provide moral and social commentary.
  • Its interaction with the audience is direct, and with characters is often critical, revealing truths they might not be ready to face.
  • Through the Chorus, playwright Timberlake Wertenbaker explores the societal backdrop that enables such tragic events.

In summary, the motivations and interactions of the characters in “The Love of the Nightingale” are complex and intertwined. They elucidate pertinent themes such as power dynamics, revenge, and the tragic consequences of silenced voices.