The Love of the Nightingale: Performers' vocal interpretation of character (accent, volume, pitch, timing, pace, intonation, phrasing, emotional range, delivery of lines)

The Love of the Nightingale: Performers’ vocal interpretation of character (accent, volume, pitch, timing, pace, intonation, phrasing, emotional range, delivery of lines)

Interpretation of Characters’ Voices in “The Love of the Nightingale”


  • Tereus should have a strong, authoritative accent, symbolising his positioning as a commanding figure.
  • Procne and Philomele could have similar, softer accents, highlighting their sisterhood and innocence.

Volume, Pitch and Pace

  • Volume can be adjusted to demonstrate power dynamics; Tereus could often use a louder volume to exert dominance.
  • Characters should vary their pitch - high pitch for anxious or excited moments, low pitch for serious or melancholic scenarios.
  • The pace of delivery should also fluctuate with the context - a rapid pace to denote anxiety or fear, slower pace to convey thoughtful moments or significant dialogues.

Timing and Phrasing

  • Pause and silence are powerful tools; well-timed pauses can build tension or emphasise the gravity of a situation.
  • Short, quick phrases could be used in volatile or intense situations, while long, complex phrases may signify introspective moments or deep conversations.

Emotional Range and Delivery of Lines

  • The performers should showcase a wide emotional range, reflecting the character’s feelings accurately during dialogue delivery.
  • The delivery of lines needs to balance between staying true to the character’s emotions and maintaining clarity for audience comprehension.


  • The tone of speech ought to match the character’s feelings in each scene; e.g., sarcastic undertones when Tereus claims innocence.
  • Changes in intonation can also signal changes in mood, ensuring the dynamic nature of the performance.

In conclusion, the performers’ vocal interpretation should always echo the psychological journey of the characters, adequately portraying their emotional spectrum and providing depth to the narrative of “The Love of the Nightingale”.