Caligula: characters

Caligula: characters

Caligula - Protagonist

  • Caligula, the emperor of Rome, is the protagonist and the title character. He is known for his irrational and often brutal decisions. His transformation from a beloved ruler to a despotic tyrant forms the core of the play’s narrative.
  • Caligula’s philosophical belief in the absurdity of life shapes the way he governs and how he interacts with others, often leading to violent conclusions.
  • He is haunted by his fear of death and attempts to conquer this fear by imposing his own rules and creating chaos.

Caesonia - Female Lead

  • Caesonia, Caligula’s consort, provides a feminine counterpoint to the male-dominated world of the play. She is the only person Caligula shows affection for, and she remains loyal throughout his transformation.
  • Despite her loyalty, Caesonia struggles to understand Caligula’s actions and attempts to appeal to his humanity, ultimately failing to prevent his path of destruction.

Cherea - Voice of Reason

  • Cherea, an aged senator, is portrayed as the voice of reason in the face of Caligula’s irrational rule. He vehemently opposes Caligula’s actions and attempts to restore order to Rome.
  • Driven by principles, Cherea takes on the responsibility to plot against Caligula, marking his transformation from critic to conspirator.

Other Characters

  • The Patricians and Senators serve as a representation of the Roman populace that fears and opposes Caligula’s rule. They often bear the brunt of Caligula’s erratic decisions.
  • Scipio, a young poet, acts as a tragic figure who admires Caligula but is ultimately victimised by him, showcasing the dark side of Caligula’s rule.
  • Characters such as Helicon, Caligula’s slave, and Mucius, a senator, serve to round out the perspective of life under Caligula’s rule. They represent the dichotomy of obedience and resistance, respectively.

Character Development

  • Most characters in the play undergo a transition due to Caligula’s actions. This change can be traced in how they perceive Caligula, react to his philosophy, and finally confront his destructive rule.

Role of Characters in Advancing Theme & Plot

  • Each character plays an important role in advancing the play’s themes of absurdity, freedom and power. Their interactions with Caligula serve to expose the breadth of his tyranny and the chaos that he creates. The escalation they face due to Caligula’s actions propel the plot forward, culminating in the tragic climax.

Portrayal of Characters

  • The portrayal of characters in the play is not static but changes according to the unfolding events. Thus, the nuances of the characters must be understood in the context of Caligula’s evolving reign of terror. The characters are instrumental in bringing out the full depth of Caligula’s character, making them integral to the overall coherence and impact of the play.