Woza Albert!: use of performance space

Woza Albert!: use of performance space

Use of Performance Space in Woza Albert!

Minimalistic Performance Space

  • Woza Albert! is performed in a highly minimalistic performance space, which emphasises the focus on the skills of the two performers and the important social messages of the play.
  • Minimalism aids in creating a universal space where the events could occur anywhere, thus reflecting the universal theme of oppression and resistance.

Versatility of Space

  • The performers utilise the space in a way that transitions seamlessly from one location to another, amplifying the fluidity of the narrative.
  • Every part of the stage is used effectively, portraying different locations without changing the set or props. This showcases the uninterrupted flow and versatility of the performance space.

Stage Positioning and Movement

  • Movement and positioning on stage serve as key indicators of power dynamics. The positioning of Morena and other characters often symbolises their social and political standing.
  • Movements, like marching or running, often reflect the current stakes, emotional state, or urgency of the situation.

Use of Levels

  • Different levels are employed for various effects. For example, a character standing on an elevated level usually denotes power or superiority.
  • Moments like Morena’s crucifixion, when he is lifted above the ground level, serve to underline the significance of these moments.

Symbolic Use of Space

  • At times, the performance space itself becomes a symbol. For example, the symbolic representation of the Main Street, Johannesburg, depicts the division within the society.
  • Further, the space’s transformation into a church, prison, or battlefield, serves to emphasise thematic undertones such as religion, oppression, and struggle respectively.

In conclusion, the use of performance space in Woza Albert! significantly adds to the dramatic impact and message of the play. It reflects the themes of oppression, struggle, and liberation and enhances the overall narrative.